BIOL 257 "General Microbiology"

Study guide for Exam 4


Topic 11 Immunity in health and disease, diagnostics and chemotherapy

PLEASE FOCUS on the LECTURE SLIDES (chapters 14-16) that can be downloaded from this server.

- Know the components of the blood and lymphatic systems and their role in host-parasite interactions.

- Know the components and characteristics of nonspecific host defenses (first and second lines of defense)

- What are white and red blood cells and what are their major developmental stages from stem cell to mature cell in the periphery?

- What is inflammation, its signs and symptoms?

- What is the complement system?

- Know the major players of adaptive immunity (humoral and cellular immunity; third line of defense)

- Know the meaning of specificity, tolerance and memory.

- What means "Immune response?"

- Know definitions of terms such as antigen, immunogen, allergen, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, opsonization, neutralization, etc.

- Understand the concept of clonal selection and expansion of lymphocytes

- Know the general mechanism of antibody production

- Know the five classes of antibodies (Igs) and their roles in immunity.

- Know the major difference between cytotoxic, inflammatory and helper T-cells.

- Know the difference between B-cell receptor, T-cell receptor, T-cell co-receptor, Major histocompatibility complex I and II.

- Know the kinds and roles of antigen presenting cells.

- Know characteristics of the 4 types of hypersensitivity.

- In particular, understand the Landsteiner ABO Bloodtypes (example for hypersensitivity type II)

- Know examples of autoimmunity and immunodeficiency

PLEASE FOCUS on the LECTURE SLIDES (Chapter 17) that can be downloaded from this server.

- Know principles of Diagnostics including collections of samples, phenotypic, genotypic and immunological methods

PLEASE FOCUS on the LECTURE SLIDES (Chapter 12) that can be downloaded from this server.

- Know examples of "supportive therapies" to combat causal agents of disease

- Know examples of "defensive therapies" to combat causal agents of disease

- Know the basic principles of "antimicrobial Chmeotherapies" to combat causal agents of disease

- In particular, know the definitions of terms such as chemotherapeutic drug, prophylaxis, antimicrobial, antibiotic, narrow and broad spectrum

- In particular, Know the principles of action of and methods of selection for antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral drugs