BIOL 357 General Microbriology, Study guide for the second Exam

After completing the reading assignments and reviewing your lecture notes, use the following to test your understanding of the material.

The following lecture topics will be covered by the second exam:

Control of microbial growth
Basic Metabolism
DNA, Chromosomes and their perpetuation
Genetic Information
Genetic exchange between microbes

Topic 5. Control of Microbial Growth

1 - Know and - based on the knowledge about factors that affect growth - be able to describe categories of physical and chemical control of growth.

2 - Know the definitions of terms like Sterilization, Disinfection, Antisepsis, De-germ(in)ation, Sanitation

Topic 6. Basic Metabolism

1 - Explain the roles of enzymes in biological reactions and know how enzyme activity is regulated and why enzyme regulation is important in living cells.

2 - Know the concept of Redox as it is relevant to catabolism.

3 - Know the definition and correct use of terms including Reductant, Oxidant, Reduction, Oxidation, Redox potential, Redox copuple.

4 - Be able to describe in general terms how Energy "flows" through the cell of a chemoorganoheterotroph (i.e., how the chemical energy needed for growth is harnessed and stored in ATP as organic compounds are oxidized to H2O and CO2).

5 - Be able to describe in general terms how Carbon "flows" through the cell of a chemoorganoheterotroph (i.e., how the carbon needed for growth is transformed into building blocks).

6 - Describe the processes of glycolysis and the TCA cycle as far as to be able to indicate how many ATP and reduction equivalents (NADH, FADH2) are produced per glucose molecule at each step during the process of aerobic oxidation of glucose to CO2. Be able to name the metabolites of the start and endpoints of the pathways. Please note that memorization of all intermediates and of any chemical structures is not required.

7 - Explain how fermentation differs from respiration and be able to name two common fermentation products.

8 - What is the "proton motive force" (pmf) and what is its relationship to ATP?

9 - Know some of the amphibolic intermediates and products of the central pathways (glycolysis, TCA cycle) that are needed for the biosynthesis of lipids, amino acids and proteins, as well as nucleotides and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA).

10 - Be able to outline the general features of anabolism (biosynthesis) by using the different levels of complexity (building blocks including metabolic precursors and monomers; macromolecules, cellular structures).

Topic 7. Macromolecules and Molecular Genetics

1 - Know at least one method suited for investigation and charcterization of nucleic acids and proteins.

2 - Know structure(s) and function(s) of chromosome(s), DNA(s), RNA(s) and genes in bacteria.

3 - Know a variety of genetic elements (chromosome, plasmid, transposon, etc.).

4 - Be able to describe in general terms the processes of replication, transcription and translation.

5 - Be able to describe aspects of "regulation of gene expression" at the different levels:

Topic 8. Microbial Genetics

1 - Be able to describe two general types of processes that cause change in the genetic code of an organism.

2 - Mutagens; How do chemicals and radiation cause mutations?

3 - Be able to name three kinds of mutations. Which are likely to have the greatest effect on the protein product?

4 - Be able to describe the Ames test (what is it used for and how it is performed).

5 - Know the processes by which genetic transfer and recombination occur.

6 - Explain the role of plasmids in bacteria.