Biol 257 "Introduction to Microbiology" 3 credit hours, for non-Biology majors
Fall 2008
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TEXT: Cowan & Talaro: "Microbiology a Systems Approach", McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition
Description and objective: The course introduces the student to basic and current topics in microbiology; the architecture, cell biology and genetics of Microorganisms. Particular emphasis will be placed on their association with the human host. The laboratory (which is a separate course: Biol 258) teaches students basic microbiological techniques that are necessary to study and safely handle microorganisms and their viruses.
Schedule: Two 75-min lectures per week. Please refer to tentative schedule of classes.
Expectations: Each student is expected to attend each lecture meeting, take comprehensive notes, read the assigned reading, and utilize the Objectives and Study Questions in the text and the provided outlines. Professional attitude and behavior in class is expected. Questions during class pertaining to the understanding of the current subject are encouraged, however, there is not enough lecture time to review for exams in class. Your specific and review-like questions are better discussed during office hours. Please see me during office hours (Monday 3:00 - 5:00 PM). It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor or teaching assistant for advice and assistance.
Disability Resource Center: The University of Louisville is committed to providing access to programs and services for qualified students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability and require accommodation to participate in and complete requirements for this class, contact the Disability Resource Center (Robbins Hall, 852-6938) for verification of eligibility and determination of specific accommodations.Exams* and grading: Every student begins the course with the grade "A". It will be the student's responsibility to maintain this grade through motivated and diligent learning. The success in the mastering of this task will be assessed by four non-cumulative exams as listed in the schedule. Exams will cover material presented in lectures and the requested readings following the preceding exam. Exams will cover material presented in lectures and the requested readings following the preceding exam. The 4th exam will be administered at the date of the scheduled final exam). Grades will be assigned on a percentage basis for the number of points possible for the term (= cumulative point average), a grade of C minus will not be assigned.
Grading will be no stricter as follows:
  ³ 90: A
  89-80: B
  79-70: C
  69-60: D
  <60: F
* the following applies:
1) If you notify me at least one week before the scheduled exam date and arrange with me to take the make-up exam at a particular date, preferably before the regularly scheduled exam, there is no penalty. This also includes absence due to University sanctioned activities (athletics, band, etc.).
2) If you miss an exam but contact me within 24 hours of the exam (by e-mail or phone call), you will be allowed to take a make-up exam during the following week; however there will be a 15% penalty (except for documented medical emergencies: please note that a scheduled visit with a dentist or physician is NOT an emergency).
3) If you miss an exam and fail to contact me within 24 hours of the exam, your exam score will be zero; no exceptions.
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